Changes to the shareholding structure

Press release - Regulated Information - Inside information
November 14, 2023 - 19:00 CET
Ypres, 14 November 2023 - Melexis NV (Euronext Brussels: MELE) (Melexis or the Company) announces that the families De Winter-Chombar and Duchâtelet have made changes to their shareholding structure regarding Melexis NV.
Melexis was informed today by Xtrion NV (0878.389.438), Elex NV (0421.226.161) and Sensinnovat BV (0884.338.607) that Xtrion sold all shares it held in Melexis to Elex and Sensinnovat, its indirect shareholders. Xtrion sold 10,100,000 shares to Elex and 10,100,001 shares to Sensinnovat. Elex is the investment vehicle and holding company of the Duchâtelet family. Sensinnovat is the investment vehicle and holding company of the De Winter-Chombar family. The Melexis shares were sold at a price per share of EUR 74.1262, which corresponds to the average closing price of Melexis shares on Euronext Brussels over the last 30 days prior to 14 November 2023.
With this transaction, both families and their respective affiliated legal entities intend to rearrange their group/investment structure which will allow them, with a view to the next generation, to pursue individual and independent investment strategies each through their own holding company (i.e. Elex and Sensinnovat).
As a result of this restructuring, the joint control over the Company by Mr Roland Duchâtelet, Mr Rudi De Winter and Ms Françoise Chombar has transitioned into an absence of control and an absence of acting in concert.
The De Winter-Chombar and Duchâtelet families confirmed that this does not mean that, at present, they would differ on Melexis' strategy and priorities. Their commitment to the Company remains unchanged. Furthermore, they indicated that they have no plans to sell or reduce their shareholdings. Mr Roland Duchâtelet and Ms Françoise Chombar also confirmed their willingness to stay on as directors of Melexis.
Melexis confirms that the change of control does not have any significant legal impact on it nor on its existing contractual relations.
Investor Relations