Embedding sustainable and responsible practices into our business
Our products
Melexis is dedicated to positively impact on an economic, environmental and social level. Our products and solutions reflect this sustainable ambition.
Our people
We care for our people. They are more than Human Capital. They are Melexis. They bring enthusiasm and eagerness to innovate.
Safety, health and well-being
Safety, health and well-being aren’t benefits. These are necessary requirements so our colleagues can work in a worry-free environment.
Social responsibility
Companies aren’t operating outside society. They are a part of it. Our social engagement teams coordinate and implement Melexis’ efforts to be a responsible, concerned and involved member of society in all of our locations.
Our quality and environmental policy strives for the smallest environmental footprint possible. Our responsibility towards the planet and people is incorporated in our strategy, values and culture.
Business ethics
Business ethics aren't window dressing. They are a conditio sine qua non for sustainable business. Ethics are in Melexis' DNA, thanks to our values and code of conduct.