The MLX90384 is a high-precision magnetic position sensor for robotic joints. Featuring Arcminaxis™ technology, it comes with a magnet and software to calibrate and operate the system

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Top features

  • Resolution up to 18 bits

  • Pitch-independent, one IC fits various magnets

  • High speed with fast SPI interface

  • Arcminaxis™ Technology combining Multi-axis sensing with Vernier Technology

  • TSSOP-16 Sensor Package RoHS compliant

  • Reduces the complexity and effort involved in assembling robotic joints

    • Large air gap sensor to magnet (1.5 mm nominal)

    • Generous magnet-sensor placement tolerance of ±0.5 mm

  • Supply 3.3 V

  • Temperature range -20°C to 85°C

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Arcminaxis™ Hall 18-Bit Angular Encoder IC  -  MLX90384

Product description

The MLX90384 is a high-precision magnetic position sensor for robotic joints. Featuring Arcminaxis™ technology, it comes with as a four-component set:

1) a sensor chip with two monolithic magnetic position sensor ICs, each consisting of a Triaxis® Hall magnetic front end, analog-to-digital converter, hardware for high-speed signal conditioning, and a 10MHz high-speed SPI interface. The ICs are both configured to be sensitive to a first magnetic flux density component parallel to the chip and to a second component perpendicular to the chip.

Arcminaxis™ Hall 18-Bit Angular Encoder IC

2) a Vernier-type magnet, with two tracks of eight and seven pole pairs. The MLX90384 sensor chip measures the axial and tangential magnetic components of both tracks and transmits this information to a microcontroller which in turn generates the accurate angular position and speed as well as the counted turn out of this information.

3) a precompiled software package for an STM32 microcontroller to calibrate and operate the system.

4) a complete reference design to build your encoder solution based on 1), 2) and 3)

Application examples

  • Absolute Rotary Position Sensor
  • High Accuracy Encoder
  • Robotic Joint Encoder
  • E-Mobility
  • Industrial Motors
Arcminaxis™ Hall 18-Bit Angular Encoder IC

Features and benefits

  • Resolution up to 18 bits

  • Pitch-independent, one IC fits various magnets

  • High speed with fast SPI interface

  • Arcminaxis™ Technology combining Multi-axis sensing with Vernier Technology

  • TSSOP-16 Sensor Package RoHS compliant

  • Reduces the complexity and effort involved in assembling robotic joints

    • Large air gap sensor to magnet (1.5 mm nominal)

    • Generous magnet-sensor placement tolerance of ±0.5 mm

  • Supply 3.3 V

  • Temperature range -20°C to 85°C


Arcminaxis™ Position Sensing Technology for Robotic Joints


Melexis announces Arcminaxis™, a groundbreaking magnetic technology addressing the growing demand for affordable, high-precision position sensing in robotic joints. The MLX90384 is the first product incorporating Arcminaxis™